紅花燃ゆる道 A Path of Crimson Flowers
Advisory Room
ヒューベルト: これは懐かしい顔ですな。先生ではありませんか。ご無事で何より。
Hubert: Well now. That face is certainly familiar. I am glad to see you alive and well, Professor.
ベルナデッタ: 先生! 先生ーっ! ベルです!わかりますか!? 生きてたんですね……!
Bernadetta: Professor! It's me, Bernie! Do you remember me? I can't believe you're here!
カスパル: うおおおお! 今、俺たちは翼を得た!こんな嬉しいことがあんのかよ! 夢か!?
Caspar: I can't believe it! Is this a dream? Can we really be this lucky?!
ペトラ: 夢、違います。先生、最高です。挨拶、覚えました……お帰りなさいませ。
Petra: This is not dreaming. Our professor is with us again! Welcome to the back! I mean...welcome back!
フェルディナント: 貴方のいない遊撃軍は、どうにもぱっとしない気がしてね……嬉しいよ。
Ferdinand: Our group isn't the same without you. I am overjoyed to see you again!
ドロテア: 5年ぶりね。貴方/貴女にまた会えて、生きる希望が湧いてきたわ……。
Dorothea: It's been so long! Seeing you again fills my heart with hope!
リンハルト: やった、これは楽をでき……先生が無事で良かった。感動してます。
Linhardt: Great, now everything will be easy. Um, that's great you're safe, Professor. I'm deeply, deeply moved.
エーデルガルト: 久々の再会はどうかしら、師。皆も嬉しそうね。
Edelgard: Quite the reunion, isn't it, Professor? Everyone's happy to see you.
カスパル: 何だよ、エーデルガルト。お前が一番嬉しいんだろ?
Caspar: Come on, Edelgard. You must be happier than all of us combined!
She took it really hard when you disappeared, Professor.
フェルディナント: もちろん我々も尽力してきたがね、先生がいればと思わない日はなかったよ。
Ferdinand: Of course, we did our very best in your absence. And there was never a day that we doubted you would return to us.
ドロテア: エーデルちゃんは皇帝で、先頭に立って私たちを導いてくれる存在だったけど……
Dorothea: Edelgard has been leading us as emperor.
But...after you disappear became apparent that you were her anchor.
ペトラ: わたしたち、悔しい、ですけれど、力、足りません。
Petra: It gives me regret to be admitting this, but...our power is not enough.
The only one who can be meeting Edelgard's expectations...is you, Professor.
リンハルト: まあ僕は、いるだけで笑顔が増える先生の存在はただすごいと思いますけどね。
Linhardt: Most impressive of all is your uncanny ability to bring a smile to everyone's face.
ヒューベルト: ……貴殿が姿を消して5年。誰一人欠けることはありませんでしたな。
Hubert: In the years since you vanished, we have not lost anyone from our ranks.
エーデルガルト: 貴方を慕い、貴方の指揮で戦うことを望んだ仲間よ。私を含めてね。
Edelgard: We all longed for your presence and your leadership. Myself included.
ヒューベルト: 黒鷲遊撃軍の再始動、といきましょう。標的はすでに定まっています。
Hubert: It seems fitting to view this as a new beginning for the Black Eagle Strike Force. We already have our target.
エーデルガルト: ええ、王国と教団、この二つとの全面対決に踏み切る前に、同盟領を落とすわ。
Edelgard: Yes. We must eliminate the Alliance before moving on to fight the Kingdom and the church.
However, that doesn't necessarily mean we must occupy the entirety of the Alliance.
House Riegan stands against the Empire... Therefore, our target is Derdriu, the Aquatic Capital.
ヒューベルト: まずは、同盟領と帝国領とを分かつアミッド大河を越えなければなりません。
Hubert: We must cross the Airmid River, which seperates the Empire and the Alliance.
To do that, we must take the largest bridge across it. The Great Bridge of Myrddin.
Myrddin connects the monastery and the Imperial capital to the east. It is the shortest route there.
エーデルガルト: 橋には同盟軍の砦が築かれている。それを奪って北上のための橋頭堡とするわ。
Edelgard: An Alliance stronghold has been built at the Great Bridge. We'll take that and then head north.
At the same time, we must defeat the one who defends it, Judith von Daphnel.
If we can also take control of Daphnel territory, it would be greatly beneficial to us.
Prepare yourselves. The next battle will be a momentous one.
Join me, my friends, as we begin our journey to bring peace and solace to this war-ravaged world.